
Shadow Theater for Social Change

Shadow Theater for Social Change

From August 28th to September 5th, 2024, the Values, Virtues, Integrity Foundation facilitated Shadow Theater for Social Change training course in Samokov, Bulgaria. This enriching event brought together eight organizations from seven countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, and Spain. The aim of the project was to build capacity within 8 partner organizations to apply an innovative approach for boosting civic participation of young people through shadow theater activities.

As the week unfolded, the group dove into the world of shadow theater, participating in various tasks that encouraged collaboration both individually and in groups. As the training progressed, the theater tasks grew more complex, challenging participants to develop their skills in storytelling, teamwork, and creative problem-solving. On September 3rd, the training culminated in an impactful performance where groups presented shadow theater stories that addressed various social challenges. The local audience in Samokov was moved by these performances, which sparked meaningful reflection and conversations about the issues portrayed.

As a lasting outcome of the project, we have developed a comprehensive booklet of Guidelines on Shadow Theater, specifically designed to support youth workers in facilitating their own workshops. In addition, we also created Shadow Theater Video Guide, which highlights the key moments from the training and provides practical advice for organizing meaningful and impactful shadow theater sessions. With these resources, we hope to continue empowering youth workers and communities to harness the power of creative arts as a tool for social transformation.

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