


VVIF is in a new partnership with Middle Eeast Technical University (Türkiye), Youth Policies Association (Türkiye), Comune Di Pieve Del Grappa (Italy), Casa Eslava (Spain), Ayuntamiento De Alzira (Spain) and the Municipality of Samokov (Bulgaria). Together we are working on "YOUTH-LEAP: Youth Leadership and Empowerment through Active Participation" project, that aims to foster youth participation in democratic life, enhance social and civic engagement, and develop an innovative EU Youth Participation Model.
The goal is to increase youth involvement in decision-making processes, promote active citizenship and entrepreneurship, and reinforce civic engagement. During the project, 4 Participation Enablers (Pens) from each country will support and mentor local youth and address local issues by organizing campaigns, proposing solutions, and collaborating with local governments to implement these solutions.
The first step is to select the PENs and start their training.
Stay tuned for more updates on YOUTH-LEAP!

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