
1planet in Sofia

1planet in Sofia

Climate change is one of the most significant challenges facing our planet, and to overcome it, it is necessary to pay attention to our actions and behavior. In this context, the "1 Planet in Sofia" project appeared, which aims to raise awareness about climate change and motivate people to take concrete actions in their daily lives.

Garbage in the Bulgarian capital's urban environment is quite visible and signals an urgent need for change. We specifically focused on the areas around playgrounds in the peripheral districts of Lyulin, Obelya and Studentski Grad, as these are places where young children explore the environment and need to be kept clean.

The aim of the project was to raise awareness of the topic of climate change and increase the participation of young people in fighting the problem by changing their daily habits. To achieve this goal, we committed to several key activities:

1. Non-formal education workshops: we provided an opportunity for young people to learn about the environmental challenges facing our planet. Through informal workshops and educational events, we informed and trained participants on environmental and climate change issues.

2. Clean Up Actions: We didn't just talk about the need for a cleaner environment, we actually improved it. We regularly organized clean-ups where youth and volunteers from across the community worked together to clean up polluted areas and change the local environment.

3. International exchange of experience: Our project is not limited to national borders. We organised an international online workshop "Boosting Youth Activism on Climate Change" where we shared our experiences and learned about good practices from other youth initiatives around the world. This enriched our perspective and our arsenal of ideas for solutions.

4. Motivation and sustainability: One of our main goals was to motivate young people in Sofia to continue to care for the environment and to think about sustainability in their daily actions and choices. In this way, we have created a foundation for a longer-term commitment and responsibility to our city and planet.

"1planet in Sofia" project brought together young people united by the common goal of making a difference in the fight against climate change. By combining education, active participation and motivation, we have built a bridge between awareness and action, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable future not only for Sofia, but for the whole world.

Within 1 year, we performed a total of 24 live and online events, and we also created a booklet in which we share good practices from the project.

Download the booklet from here.

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