
DARE - Digital Awareness for Resilience Expereiences

DARE - Digital Awareness for Resilience Expereiences

The project "DARE - Digital Awareness for Resilience Experiences" aims to fill one of the gaps generated by the pandemic and its effects, namely the relationship between educators/citizens and territory, society and physical places. The Covid-19 emergency has caused, among other things, huge disruptions in education and training and a sudden shift to online and distance learning.

 The generalized use of technology has revealed gaps and weaknesses, but it also represents an opportunity to rethink education and training for the digital age. Digital technologies can improve flexibility and creativity, help improve efficiency and learning outcomes, but there is a sensitive digital divide, i.e. the gap between those who have access to information technology (personal computers and the Internet) and those who are excluded. Learning opportunities must be accessible to all and thus guarantee the access to an enormous amount of information and resources.
In the light of the above, the project aims to foster the development of digital competences and life skills in adults.

Specific objectives are:

- to contribute to the recovery of the resilience of the educational, cultural and creative sectors through digital tools;

- to facilitate social inclusion through the arts, promoting an innovative participatory and intercultural dialogue.

The countries involved in the project are Italy, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Spain and Norway.

Within the project were created the following Intellectual Outputs:

IO1 - Digital toolkit for remote co-design activities: a digital training programme for the use of virtual tools and methodologies for online education. It can be downloaded from here in English and is also available translated in Bulgarian.
IO2 - Collaborative digital platform for creative storytelling: an open and collaborative online mapping system, accessible via web and mobile, which represents cities in an original, participatory and shared way, based on multimedia content generated by users.


The project kick off meeting took place online on 4, 5 and 6 May 2021. During the meeting the intellectual outpus were presented as well as communication and dissemination guidelines. The agenda covered also budget and financial reporting as well as monitoring and evaluation.

The first training event within DARE project took place between 07 July and 09 July 2021 online, devided in 6 sessions - one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The topic was digital tools and methodologies to foster online education. It included a online ice-breaking and teambuilding activities and a variety of digital tools for online collaboration such as Zoom, Meet, Slack, Miro, Jamboard, Canva, etc. The participants had the opportunity to practice all of the above mentioned tools and work in international groups.


During the local implementation phase in October and November 2021 the team of VVI foundation deliered 3 online workshops using the tools leared during the training involving 10+ adult learners.

During the workshops participants had the opportunity to do practical exercises and use the digital tools Miro, Canva, Jamboard, Google forms, etc.

In January 2022 the consortium met online again in order to identify the next steps within the project activities and puch the work forward. The work within the second intellectual output was discussed - on online mapping tool that will change the narrative in our cities with the help of augmented reality and visual storytelling.

Fianlly some of the partners managed to meet in person during the training course "Digital storytelling and image manipulation that took place in Sofia, Bulgaria between 29 May and 1 June 2022. It was a unique experience of a blended learning where participants had the chance to upskill their digital competences and learn filmmaking, stop motion, virtual galleries and explore the city via the application Action Bound.


VVIF team participated in a transnational project meeting within the project in Ajdovscina, Slovenia on 3th and 4th October 2022. Project partners discussed the current status of intellectual outputs and local implementation in each country.

The final transnational project meeting within the project took place in Palermo, Italy on 26th and 27th January 2023. Project partners gathered to duscuss the project results and dissemination. We did evaluation of every aspect of the project and planned its follow up.

The  second project result result within the  project is a participatory digital platform for creative storytelling . It porvides possibilities for users to share a story connected to a specific place in Europe and locate it on the map, pictures and videos can be added.